>> Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

API Fellowship 2004


Train is one of the main alternative public transportations because it will make people easy to travel from one place to another place. They tend to choose this transportation for it is safer, more relax, faster, and the price of the ticket is still affordable.

The rate of train accidents in Indonesian Railway is fairly high. In 1996 106 accidents happened, 196 cases in 1999, while in January – August 2001 there were 7 dreadful accidents, which took 109 people injured and 65 died. Indonesian train only connected between the cities in the Java Island.

For contrary in Japan, there were many line of train and already connected between Hokkaido Island, Honshu Island, Kyushu Island, and Shikoku Island. There were only 3 cases of accident since 1990. On 14 May 1991, there were collision on Shigaraki Kogen Railway 42 people died and more than 600 people were injured.

Another case on 8 March 2000, there were derailment and collision at Naka Meguro on Hibiya Subway Line, Tokyo.That accident caused 5 passengers died and 63 others injured. The last accident was happenned on Joetsu Shinkansen Line when 8 of its cars went off the tracks because of earthquakes. It was the first bullet train to derail in the Shinkansen’s 40 years history since its operations. There were no one injured.

Japan National Railway had restructuring on 1987. Japan National Railway had privatisation and divided into 6 Japan Railways (JRs). There are JR East, JR Central, JR West, JR Hokkaido, JR Shikoku, and JR Kyushu. Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI) establish in December 1986 and integrated between the existing RTRI with the Railway Labor Science Institute of Japan National Railway upon its privatisation and division in April 1987 to promote widely ranged research and development activities in railway technologies, from basic research to application.

85% accidents in Indonesian Railway were caused by human error. Human error can occur when the train driver is doing his job. One of the causes is the ergonomic factor. This factors to be main topics in Railway Labor Science Institute on 1970 – 1980. It’s means Indonesian Railway was late 25 years from Japanese Railway.

Human Science Division in RTRI divided into 3 laboratories; Ergonomics laboratory, Psychology and Physiology Laboratory, and Safety Analysis Laboratory.

Now, the main topic in Ergonomic laboratory is how to develop the facilities for disability person and elderly people, in the Psychology and Physiology Laboratory are endurance of work for driver related safety for analysize tolerance of fatigue and how to issued driver licence test related with special attitude test, IQ test, and psychological test.
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>> Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

by : Indri MOHSE

A. INDUSTRI BAJA adalah merupakan salah satu Industri Strategis yang dimiliki oleh suatu negara, karena melalui Industri Baja dapat dipenuhi kebutuhan-kebutuhan penting dalam pembangunan, baik sarana fisik maupun kebutuhan pembangunan (Industri perdagangan, transportasi dll) dan dalam bidang kemiliteran.

Pada umumya proses-proses dalam Industri Baja adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Iron Making (Proses bahan baku proses hulu)
2. Steel Making (Proses pembuatan baja untuk long product dan plat product)
3. Steel Rolling (Proses pembuatan baja proses hilir untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan pasar)

Salah satu industri baja yang terbesar di Indonesia adalah PT. Krakatau Steel, merupakan Industri Baja terpadu yang cukup besar dan telah melakukan proses pembuatan baja dengan menggunakan tekhnologi yang cukup canggih.

Dilihat dari kebutuhan baja setiap Negara dapt ditentukan oleh kebutuhan baja perkapita dari penduduk suatu Negara, sehingga sangat ditentukan oleh tingkat kemajuan suatu Negara.


Secara umum aktifitas K3LH pada Industri Baja harus dilihat dari aktivitas identifikasi pada step-step proses dalam setiap pabrik. Mulai dari proses Iron Making, Steel Making maupun Steel Rolling, sebagai berikut :

1. Proses Identifikasi K3LH :

Proses ini merupakan proses untuk pengenalan melalui identifikasi semua jenis dan sifat-sifat faktor bahaya yang mungkin timbul dari setiap jenis kegiatan pabrik tersebut.

Adapun aktifitas yang perlu dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut :

a. Pemeriksaan design pabrik.
b. Inspeksi lapangan secara fisik.
c. Studi lapangan pada saat operasi.
d. Aktifitas yang berhubungan dengan raw material maupun material pembantu dilakukan dengan mengacu pada MSDS

Pada langkah identifikasi akan ditemukan banyak masalah K3LH yang perlu ditanggulangi dengan cara menentukan ” Aspect yang significance secara berurutan untuk menentukan skala prioritas penanggulangan”.

2. Proses Analysis Masalah K3LH

Proses ini merupakan lanjutan dari aktivitas identifikasi dengan cara sebagai berikut :
a. Bisa dilakukan pengujian laboratorium
b. Pengamatan dan pengukuran di lapangan

Dari kedua aktivitas identifikasi dan analysa masalah tersebut akan dapat dibuat maping (peta), sehingga dapat dilakukan pemetaan tingkat kerawanan dalam bidang K3LH pada pabrik tersebut yang terdiri dari :
1. Peta Lokasi Rawan
 Rawan Kebakaran
 Rawan Kecelakaan
 Rawan Penyakit akibat kerja
 Rawan Pencemaran Lingkungan
2. Peta Jenis Faktor Bahaya
3. Peta Derajat Bahaya

3. Proses Pengendalian Bahaya K3LH

Dari aktivitas 1 dan 2 di atas akan dilakukan pengendalian atau koreksi faktor bahaya dan ditentukan cara penanggulangannya sebagai berikut :

a. Dari segi pengendalian secara Administrative melalui :
1. Peraturan K3LH dari Pemerintah.
2. Peraturan K3LH Internal Pabrik.
3. Melalui Peraturan Kontrol Operasi.
Misalnya : SOP, Sertifikasi alat, Sertifikasi keahlian
4. Melalui Kebijakan-kebijakan Internal yang tentunya tidak bertentangan dengan aturan Pemerintah

4. Proses Monitoring Bahaya K3LH

Pada proses ini akan dilakukan aktivitas pengawasan berkala dan berkelanjutan yang terdiri dari :
a. Inspeksi Lapangan (penamatan dan pengukuran)
b. Studi Pencatatan dan Lapangan
c. Pengujian Kesetaraan Berkala
d. Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Lingkungan
e. Training Karyawan.


I. Perangkat-perangkat aktivitas yang dibutuhkan sebagai berikut :

a. Adanya Kebijakan B.O.D.
b. Adanya Tinjauan awal masalah HSE / K3LH
c. Mengembangkan System Organisasi dalam hal :
1. Adanya Police HSE / K3LH
2. Adanya Program HSE / K3LH
3. Strategi Plan HSE / K3LH

II. Dalam Operasional Industri Baja dimana mulai dari penanganan Raw Material sampai pada step-step operasi. Iron Making, Steel Making, Steel Rolling, masalah HSE sangat memerlukan perhatian serius, karena potensi bahaya.

Tempat tinggi terutama dalam hal :
a. Bahaya Kecelakaan
b. Bahaya Kebakaran
c. Bahaya Penyakit akibat Kerja
d. Bahaya Pencemaran Lingkungan

III. a. Operasional Industri Baja adalah proses panas, terutama pada proses pembuatan baja dengan temperature ± 1650 oC. Dan pada proses pengerolan baja dilakukan reheating dengan temperature ± 1100 oC sangat berpotensi tinggi untuk menimbulkan masalah HSE.
b. Aktivitas alat angkat dan angkut dengan beban berat, baik berupa baja cair maupun beban material padat sangat berpotensi menimbulkan masalah HSE sehingga memerlukan perhatian dalam hal :

1. Skill dalam bidang operasional bagi manusianya maupun keselamatan beban.
2. Jaminan keamanan dan safety dari peralatan yang memerlukan pemeriksaan rutin, baik pemeriksaan internal maupun certifikasi oleh badan-badan yang berwenang dari pemerintah.

c. Penggunaan material pembantu, misalnya alat-alat kimia yang bermacam-macam dengan karakterstik bahaya tinggi dengan volume yang cukup besar sehingga perlu ditunjang dengan pengetahuan MSDS oleh para pekerja.
d. Ditinjau dari segi kesehatan kerja, potensi penyakit akibat kerja cukup tinggi terutama dalam hal :

1. Tekanan panas
2. Pngaruh Debu dalam ruang kerja
3. Beban Kerja
4. Penggunaan Bahan Radioaktif
5. Pengaruh Gas-gas Proses
6. Kebisingan

e. Ditinjau dari pencemaran lingkungan, berpotensi cukup tinggi dan perlu dilengkapi peralatan pencegah pencemaran lingkungan, misalnya :

1. Polusi Air (WTP dan WWTP)
2. Polusi Debu / Gas (Bag Filter, Scrubber, Electric, Precipitator, dll)
3. Kebisingan (Silincer, Pengaturan jarak kerja karyawan terhadap sumber kebisingan)
4. Potensi Limbah Padat dengan karakteristik bermacam-macam


Adapun rencana strategis yang diperlukan dalam pelaksanaan HSE pada Industri Baja, sangat memegang peranan penting, sehingga penanggulangan masalah HSE dapat dilakukan dengan terarah, misalnya :

1. Perlu disepakati tujuan utama dan tujuan khusus masalah HSE
2. Perlu adanya strategi untuk mencapai tujuan utama dan tujuan khusus
3. Target yang jelas
4. Perlu ditentukan aktivitas untuk mencapai target
5. Pembagan tugas dan dan tanggungjawab yang jelas antar departement dalam perusahaan tersebut.
6. Adanya aktivitas evaluasi dari operasional rencana strategis tersebut.


Dalam menerapkan masalah HSE pada Industri Baja diperlukan aktivitas sebagai berikut :

1. Perlu adanya kebijakan dalam bidang HSE
2. Perlu melakukan identifikasi bahaya dan analysa bahaya.
3. Perlu penerapan SOP secara disiplin.
4. Certifikasi keahlian karyawan dalam masing bidang keahlian dan sertifikasi peralatan-peralatan berbahaya.
5. Perlu penerapan system izin kerja.
6. Danger Taq dan Out Off Servicenya.
7. Pemeriksaan berkala
8. Pemeriksaan kondisi kerja di Pabrik.
9. Pengetahuan MSDS
10. Peningkatan kesadaran karyawan akan keselamatan dirinya, teman sekerja dan peralatan pabrik.

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>> Senin, 16 Maret 2009

by : Indri MOHSE


Train is one of the main alternative public transportations in Indonesia that will ease people to travel from one place to another in Java. They tend to choose this transportation for it is safer, more relax, faster, and the price of the ticket is still affordable.
Various services and new products provided by PT Kereta Api Indonesia (PT KAI) nowadays have increased a positive image amongst the people, which is necessary to be maintained and improved. One way to implement this purpose is to give more attention to a safe journey. Commuters’ safety and comfort should be put on the top priority.

Similar with other transportation traffics, accidents sometimes occur as well on the railway. However, the number of train accidents is lesser although the amount of the victims is greater. Furthermore, the damage caused by a train accident costs a lot more expensive than accident happens on the street, for instance. Besides that, one train accident usually causes a delay of the train schedule. This condition is of course disadvantages to its commuters. These reasons could be the answers why train accidents always get a national attention and apprehension.
The rate of train accidents in Indonesia is fairly high. In 1996 106 accidents happened, 196 cases in 1999 (Suara Merdeka Daily, December 27 2001), while in January – August 2001 there were 7 dreadful accidents, which took 109 people injured and 65 died (Kompas, September 3, 2001). 85% accidents were caused by human error. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze further about the main cause of human error, particularly that usually happens to train engineer.
Human error can occur when the train engineer is doing his job. One of the causes is the ergonomic factor. More ergonomics the room of the operator works will reduce the rate of accident during the work.
The research will take Japan as the bench marking. This country is chosen for its excellent railway system. In addition, the measure of citizen anthropometrics in Japan is similar with Indonesia.

To maintain the positive image as a chosen public transportation, PT KAI should enhance its services, precise the train schedule, and guarantee a safe and comfortable condition for the commuters.
It is important for PT KAI to give serious attention on ergonomics aspect, mainly on train engineer workstation, in order to enhance their services. This is because the condition of the train during the way is under the responsibility of the train engineers. Therefore, a comfortable and safe work environment is very significant for these workers.

General Objectives:
 Getting ergonomics risk level on train engineer workstation.
 Getting an ergonomics design for train engineer workstation in Indonesia

Specific Objectives:
 Recognizing the measure of ergonomics seats for the train engineers
 Recognizing the static anthropometrics measure of seats for the train engineers
 Recognizing the train engineers’ posture during working
 Recognizing the symptoms and signs of the train engineers during working
 Recognizing ergonomics control design and display in the train engineer workstation
 Recognizing temperature level, illumination, noise, and vibration in the train engineer workstation.
 Recognizing the design of the train engineer workstation in Japanese trains
 Recognizing ineffective matters on the design of the train engineer workstation in Japan

 As an input for PT KAI in order to improve ergonomics workstation on the train engineer’s cabin.
 As a contribution for Indonesian government to give serious attention on public transportation, particularly train. This contribution in the end is supposed to encourage the government to establish regulations or policies.
 To realize further cooperation with Japanese train in order to enhance PT KAI service quality.
 The research can be contributed to Japanese Train Corporation to augment the ergonomics system on the train engineer’s cabin workstation.
 Japan is possible to be referred country in Asia.

Definition of Ergonomics
International Ergonomics Association (IEA) to define ergonomics is “the study of anatomical, physiological, and psycological aspect of human in working environment. It is concerned with the efficiency, health, safety, and comfort of the people at work at home and at play”.
This generally requires the study of systems in which humans, machines and environment interact, with the aim of fitting to the humans. (Oborne, 1995)

Ergonomics, Work, and Health
 The worker may be exposed to some injurous agent used in the working process or arising because of it, e.g. toxic chemical, dust, micro-organisms, allergens, ionizing, radiation, etc.
 The work may be performed under adverse environmental conditions, e.g. heat, cold, noise, etc.
 The work may involve overexertion or cumulative overuse of musculoskeletal or other bodily structure.
 The work may bepsychologically stressful because it is mentally or emotionally demanding, boring, frustrating or socially alienating, leading to mental and “psychosomatic” ill-health, alcoholism, suicide, etc.
 The work (or the circumstances under which it is performed) may entail a high risk of accidental injury (e.g. mining, construction work, offshore operations) or physical violence (e.g. police work)
 The work may promote an unhealthy lifestyle (e.g. obesity in sedentary workers, alcohol-related diseases in publicans, musicians, etc.) (Pheasant, 1991).

Anthropometry in general may be simply defined as the measuring of human beings. Anthropometry as a basic human science contributing to ergonomics, which in turn contributes data, concepts, and methodologies to the design process.
It is conventional to distinguish between’static’ and ‘dynamics’ anthropometric data. Static anthropometric data concern the fixed structural dimensions of the body, generally made between spesified anatomical landmark in stereotyped postures. Dynamics anthropometric data include measurements of reach or clearance made under ‘functional’ conditions, e.g., allowing the subjects a certain degree of freedom to adopt ‘natural’ postures for the perfoemnace of a given task. (Pheasent, 1986).

Human-Integrated Design and Manufacturing
The primary objective of ergonomics is designing objects, equipment, and machinery for effective use by human beings. Design for human use requires a central and consistent strategy to be applied to all stages of design. Human-intergrated-design (HID) refers to systems designed with human capabilities and limitations in mind so that the resultant design can be used effectively by people. In manufacturing concern the concept can be symbolized by HIM (Human-integrated-manufacturing). One of the principal concerns in design for manufacturability is whether or not human operators can work effectively with the design (Pulat, 1992)

The human-machine system function in an environment composed of the other people, machines, equipment, and other energy sources. Furthermore, the person brings personal experiences and other background to the system, as do other elements. All these establish a context for the system to function within. Hence the behavior of a human-machine system must not be evaluated against present time event only. The history of the system may significantly affect the way the system operates.
The two major components of the work environment that affect the behavior of a human-machine system are the physical environment and the social environment. Elements of the social environment include isolation, task pressure, group dynamics, and the like. Although human performnace has been studied and reported under a variety of environmental factors, the ones that most concern an industrial ergonomist are the physical factors that exist in industrial environmentas, such as illumination, noise, vibration, and ambient temperature (heat and cold). (Pulat, 1992)

The scope of work of this research will emphasize in observing the ergonomics risks in the train engineer workstation by considering 3 aspects in ergonomics:
1. The worker
• Duration of work
• Measure of static anthropometrics
• Working postures
• Repetitive motion
• Symptoms and signs
2. Tools/Machines
• Lay out
• Seat design
• Position, shape, and colors of control and display
3. Environment
• Temperature
• Illumination
• Noise
• Vibration
To analyze the effectiveness of the train engineer workstation design on Japanese train so that in the future it can be referred to solve problems of the train engineer workstation on Indonesian train.
Scheme of work can bee seen at the diagram on the next page.

Trains that will be taken as samples are all classes inter province trains altogether with the train engineers.

Camera, anthropometer, carpenter meter, arc, check list, luxmeter, WBGT, sound level meter, vibration meter, questioner.

1. Worksite Analysis
Worksite analysis will be carried out by performing direct survey based on walk through checklist. Train engineers will be given questioners to recognize symptoms or signs they suffer during working.
2. Measurement
Measurement will be accomplished by measuring noise, vibration, temperature, illumination, seat design, position, shape, and colors of control and display in the train engineer cabin. Static anthropometrics measurement, working postures, and repetitive motion will also be measured to the train engineers.
3. Collecting Secondary Data
Secondary data that will be collected are medical records, outputs of the previous measurement, and other supported data.

Collected data will be processed and analyzed based on the quantity and quality. The analysis will be the groundwork of the risks assessment toward risks ergonomics factor. The risk assessment is in the form of classification of risk ergonomics factor, which is specified into three levels: low, middle, and high.

Should the result of the risk ergonomics factors on the train engineer workstation in Indonesia shows high risk level, the problem solving taken will adopt effective matters on the train engineer workstation design of the Japanese train. It might appear that the high-risk level of the effective matters does not similar with the condition on the train engineer workstation of Indonesian train. Therefore, the anticipated actions taken are by reducing the high-risk matters based on the author’s recommendation work together with experts team from Japanese Train and still ponder on the train engineer workstation design of the Japanese train and the analysis obtained.

 The result obtained will be submitted to PT KAI as groundwork to redesign the train engineer workstation to be more ergonomics so that human error caused by train engineer’s mistakes can be reduced.
 Should PT KAI have a financial difficulty to redesign the train engineer workstation, the result of the research can be used to look for investors or foreign capital to improve PT KAI management.
 To implement the result of the research, PT KAI is expected to cooperate with Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia AND Japanese Train as their OHS consultant.
 The result obtained will also be submitted to related institution (Department of Communications) in order to encourage the government to establish policies toward Indonesian railway management, particularly about the standard design of the train engineer workstation.
 The result of the research can be a consideration for the government to permit the opening of private train industry in Indonesia.
 It will also encourage the opening of specific program such as public transportation and railway in Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia.

Contact Person:
Professor Masaharu Kumashiro

Institutional Contact:
Department of ergonomics
Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences
University of Occupational and Environmental Health

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