Posture Analysis and Environment Evaluation of Two Automotive Assembly Plants in Indonesia
>> Kamis, 17 September 2009
By : Indri M-OHSE (corresponding author)*, Masaharu K
ABSTRACT: This research analyzes the working posture in two automotive industries in Indonesia and the influence of environment on the working posture. All environments at the extreme level will affect health, but work environments also affect performance. Assembly in the automotive industry still includes manual handling jobs that have full contact interaction between workers and assembly tools.
The objectives of this research were to collect information about the type of bad posture that usually emerges in assembly jobs, to gather workers complaints due to bad posture, to assess the environment conditions, especially noise, lighting, and climate, and to correlate the environment conditions to the working posture.
The research focused on light truck assembly (Type N), specifically Final Chassis Trimming. Working posture was measured using the Ovako Working Posture Analysis (OWAS) method. Noise, lighting, and temperature were measured by sound level meter, lux meter, and WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature).
Some action combinations had working postures that require corrective measures immediately (category 4) or as soon as possible (category 3). The environment factor related to working posture was temperature, and it is a strong negative relation, especially with action combination category 4. At company Y, lighting also had a strong positive relation with working posture of action combination categories 1 and 2. The workers complained of painful, stiffness, and cramps in their neck, shoulders, arms, elbow, wrist, fingers, lower back, waist, thigh, and leg.
Keyword: working posture, OWAS method, environmental factors, assembling work, manual material handling.
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